2013年9月13日 星期五


2010年3月22日下午4:03公開累積瀏覽 89 5

請各位好友認一認, 以下D 澳洲紙幣在澳洲是否仍然流通呢 ?
因為網上說: 2000年 紙幣上面已經唔用英女皇個頭.......

5元都有 2隻顏色 .......
10元就 2 款, 第1 & 2 張係正面和背面,  其中第3 張和 第4 張 D 顏色唔太同 .....
50元 有 2 款 , 第2 & 3 張 都係 正面和背面 ........


  • BigApple
    • BigApple

    • 2010年3月23日上午12:22

    I used to live in Australia before coming to London, may be I can shed some light.   All previous issues of Australian banknotes retain their legal tender status.   However, as it's been a long time since old style banknotes actively circulated in Australia, retailers may be reluctant to accept them if they are not familiar with the designs and may suspect them to be counterfeit. The Reserve Bank and most commercial banks in Australia (Westpac, NBA, C'wealth bank etc) will redeem old notes to face value (give you new notes in return).
    Of all the photos of the notes you uploaded:
    $5 notes - still commonly used and circulated, it's the current design and still feature the Queen Elizabeth II on the note.
    $10 - I've only seen and used the blue ones and never saw the top 2 ones, but since they still have the "plastic" feature, I think you can still use them or at least can change them in the bank to new ones
    $50 - I've seen all of them, but the most common one is the top once, which have the "pastic window" feature. The bottom one is paper form, and should be old style. Again, you can still use them but if some retails (esp the smaller shops) rejected to accept them, you can change them back to new ones from bank.
    • 劉比蒂
      • 劉比蒂

      • 2010年3月23日下午8:45

      Thanks ! 你解釋得非常清楚.......
      因為這個暑假細仔學校有個澳洲遊學團.....可能要帶d 紙幣在身邊....
  • BigApple
    • BigApple

    • 2010年3月23日上午12:18

    I used to live in Australia before coming to London, may be I can shed some light.   All previous issues of Australian banknotes retain their legal tender status.   However, as it's been a long time since old style banknotes actively circulated in Australia, retailers may be reluctant to accept them if they are not familiar with the designs and may suspect them to be counterfeit. The Reserve Bank and most commercial banks in Australia (Westpac, NBA, C'wealth bank etc) will redeem old notes to face value (give you new notes in return).
    Of all the photos of the notes you uploaded:
    $5 notes - still commonly used and circulated, it's the current design and still feature the Queen Elizabeth II on the note.
    $10 - I've only seen and used the blue ones and never saw the top 2 ones, but since they still have the "plastic" feature, I think you can still use them or at least can change them in the bank to new ones
    $50 - I've seen all of them, but the most common one is the top once, which have the "pastic window" feature. The bottom one is paper form, and should be old style. Again, you can still use them but if some retails (esp the smaller shops) rejected to accept them, you can change them back to new ones from bank.
  • BigApple
    • BigApple

    • 2010年3月23日上午12:15

    I used to live in Australia before coming to London, may be I can shed some light.   All previous issues of Australian banknotes retain their legal tender status.   However, as it's been a long time since old style banknotes actively circulated in Australia, retailers may be reluctant to accept them if they are not familiar with the designs and may suspect them to be counterfeit. The Reserve Bank and most commercial banks in Australia (Westpac, NBA, C'wealth bank etc) will redeem old notes to face value (give you new notes in return).
    Of all the photos of the notes you uploaded:
    $5 notes - still commonly used and circulated, it's the current design and still feature the Queen Elizabeth II on the note.
    $10 - I've only seen and used the blue ones and never saw the top 2 ones, but since they still have the "plastic" feature, I think you can still use them or at least can change them in the bank to new ones
    $50 - I've seen all of them, but the most common one is the top once, which have the "pastic window" feature. The bottom one is paper form, and should be old style. Again, you can still use them but if some retails (esp the smaller shops) rejected to accept them, you can change them back to new ones from bank.

